Fire Pit Use Tips: Firewood and Tinder Considerations

fire pit use firewood

If you’ve recently built an outdoor fire pit or are considering doing so on your property in the near future, you might be wondering how to go about using this fantastic feature. Whether you’re hosting group events or just enjoying the space on your own, there are a few best practices for how to build (and eventually put out) fires using outdoor fire pits.

At Comfort Solutions Fireplace, we’re happy to offer a wide range of outdoor heating options for Salt Lake City and nearby Utah clients, including fire pits for any setup you’re looking into. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over some basic use tips for fire pits – today’s part one will focus on firewood and the proper types to use, while part two will look into how to ignite and eventually put out a fire pit fire. Let’s dive in!

Ideal Fire Pit Wood Types

The exact type of wood you use for your fire pit fires will depend on a few factors, including:

  • Heat output: Various woods will offer different levels of heat output when burned, depending on their density and moisture levels. It’s a good idea to take these factors into account for the best fire pit experience.
  • Aesthetics: Some wood types produce more smoke or create more sparks than others, which can affect your overall aesthetic results. Consider what you’d like to see when looking at your fire pit.
  • Availability: Consider what type of wood is most readily available in your area, as this could affect the cost you’ll pay for your firewood.

For a great-looking and efficient burning fire, we recommend using dry hardwoods such as oak or maple. While softwoods such as pine can make good firewood, they tend to burn quickly and can create more smoke than hardwoods. Avoid using treated wood or any type of lumber with chemicals as these will produce toxic fumes when burned in a fire pit – not ideal for you or your guests.


Another important factor to consider is tinder, or the material used to help ignite your firewood. Good options for this include small sticks and dry leaves, cardboard, or even lint from your clothes dryer.

Ensure Dryness Ahead of Time

One important tip to keep in mind when dealing with firewood is that you’ll want to ensure it’s dry before using it. If wood has been sitting out in the open for a while, chances are it has already dried up over time – but if not, take steps to allow your firewood to dry out thoroughly ahead of time.

This will help make sure your firewood will burn properly and efficiently, leading to a better overall experience.

That wraps up part one of our two-part series – stay tuned for part two where we’ll cover how to ignite and put out fires in outdoor fire pits! In the meantime, if you’re looking for reliable outdoor heating solutions in the Salt Lake City, Utah area, contact Comfort Solutions Fireplace for more information. Our team is happy to provide you with any fire pit solutions you need!

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