Utah Fireplace Size Variables: Windows, Home Build Year

fireplace size variables windows

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic variables that tend to play the largest role in finding the ideal fireplace size for your home. From the room the fireplace is going in to the amount of heat you require and more, there are several such factors to be thinking about as you choose any kind of new fireplace.

At Comfort Solutions Fireplace, we’re happy to offer a wide range of traditional fireplaces, modern fireplaces and more for clients around Utah. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll evaluate some additional elements that may be impactful as you determine the ideal size for your fireplace.

Window Considerations

We went over themes like room size and wall length in part one of this series, and one related area to be considering is the presence of windows. Are there already any existing windows in the room that your fireplace will be going in? And if so, how much light are you looking to let in?

Depending on the size of your space, it’s not unheard of for a fireplace to take up several feet of wall length. If this is such a case, the presence of windows could greatly diminish the amount of wall space available for your fireplace. If you are keen on having an especially large fireplace and already have a number of windows in your room, you may want to consider relocating some or all of them — as this would be one way to make more wall space available for your desired size.

Other Room Characteristics

Beyond the simple size of the room and the windows (or lack thereof), you may also want to consider other characteristics of your space. For example, how is the room configured? Are there any adjoining rooms that might affect how you place your fireplace? Even if the room size and other details are ideal for a certain size of fireplace, an adjoining hallway or closet could be enough to limit how much wall space is actually available.

Year of Home Build

While this may sound unusual to some, the year of your home’s build could actually have an impact on your fireplace size as well. Some older homes may be best served with a smaller-than-average fireplace due to structural limitations, while newer builds may offer additional possibilities in this regard (depending on their specific construction). Knowing the year of your home’s build can thus help inform what size of fireplace is most suitable for you and your space.

At Comfort Solutions Fireplace, we understand that finding the ideal size for your new fireplace can be a tricky proposition. By understanding all the factors discussed in both parts one and two of this series, however, you should have everything you need to make an informed decision on which fireplace size is ideal for your needs. For more on this or any of our Utah fireplace services, speak to our team today!

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