Signs, Causes and Remedies for Low Humidity

child by smoke

You know us best for our custom fireplace services, but at Comfort Solutions, we provide numerous other heating and air services as well. One such service that’s particularly important in a warm, dry Utah summer like the one upcoming: Humidifier services.

A humidifier in the home is one of your first lines of defense against low humidity, and the accompanying dryness issues it brings with it. What are the causes and signs of low humidity in the home, and how does a whole-house humidifier help address these issues?

Low Humidity Causes

Humidity refers to water vapor suspended in the air, and in general, warmer air holds more moisture than cooler air – this is why dryness is so common during the winter. When there isn’t enough vapor in the air, the little moisture that is present will be quickly sucked into the air, including moisture that leaves your body through areas like the skin, nose and throat. In these situations, there will be limited techniques available for adding more moisture inside the home, which can become drier and drier.

Signs of Low Humidity

There are several possible signs that the humidity in your home could be too low:

  • Static shock: When you’ve been touching carper for a while, then touch a new surface and receive (or give) a shock
  • Dry or itchy skin
  • Nose bleeds, especially during winter
  • Chapped lips, often even despite chapstick or other combatants
  • Persistent coughs
  • Flare-ups or new symptoms in allergies or asthma cases
  • Gaps or warping in wood flooring
  • Cracks or molding in wood furniture

Whole-House Humidifier

The best solution to low humidity is a whole-house humidifier, which mounts directly to the furnace and requires almost no maintenance. Humidity levels can be set and adjusted based on need. Whole-house humidifiers have their own water supply, which limits any confusion. In cases where chronic low humidity is an issue, a whole-house humidifier makes much more economic and practical sense than several separate, individual humidifiers.

Want to learn more about humidifiers, or interested in a beautiful new fireplace or any of our other heating and cooling services? Speak to the experts at Comfort Solutions today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]