Realistic Electric Fireplace Elements

fire place element

For many people who have decided an electric fireplace is their best choice, a major factor in their final product decision is realism. Electric fireplaces come with a huge variety of authentic features, from realistic flames to many others, but without the work that a wood-burning fire brings.

At Comfort Solutions, we have a wide variety of modern electric fireplace options for you to choose from. Here are some of the factors you should be considering as you browse our wide selection if you prioritize the realistic feel of your fireplace.

Flame Intensity

If possible, look for a model that lets you control the intensity of the flame using a remote control. These generally offer the ability to control everything from ember bed lighting to backlighting, meaning you’re completely in charge of how your fire looks. Some models even include multi-colored flame presentations.

Flame Progress

In addition, look for an option hat allows flame and ember progress, an automated feature. You can hit a button that engages 3-D flames, with log sets that complement them.


Options that contain logs are the best for simulating a true fire. They bring realistic flames, a glowing ember feel, and even a “smoke” effect in many models. In plenty of cases, guests to your home may not even realize you have an electric fireplace, instead confusing it for a natural wood-burning option.

LED Lights

To help increase the real effect of the flames, LED lights are used. These can be set to flicker or refract in a way that you enjoy, and as we noted above, you can often alter the color of the flames if you wish. LED lights are also extremely durable and require very little maintenance, plus are energy efficient.


Many of our options even come with special effects, such as surround lighting to create a dramatic feel. Backlight surround colors might be part of this as well.

For more on the various factors you should prioritize if you want a realistic electric fireplace, or to learn about any of our other fireplace options, speak to the pros at Comfort Solutions today.