Stages of Fireplace Installation

stages fireplace installation

When you’re considering a renovation or installation involving a custom modern fireplace, you’re preparing for a process just like any other home remodeling project. At Comfort Solutions, we have a wide selection of custom fireplaces for you to choose from, plus professional service and expertise as we walk you through this entire process.

While every renovation or installation is a bit different based on your needs, there will be a few common stages that every new fireplace owner will go through. Let’s go over each of these, plus some tips we can offer throughout.


Before you lift a finger or spend a dollar on a fireplace remodel, you should be asking yourself what the reason is for doing it. There are a number of good reasons why you might be looking for a fireplace upgrade, from improving your home’s heating capabilities to creating an ambiance or adding to the style of a room.

In some cases, general HVAC costs will leave you with a situation where installing a new fireplace will save you major heating costs in the winter. Down similar lines, a fireplace might help prevent chimney draft that raises your heating costs. Or on the flip side, you could want a fireplace upgrade to create a central area of the home for people to congregate in. There’s no bad answer here, but the rest of your project often takes cues from the basic purpose of the fireplace.

Design Inspiration

Once you’ve decided on a purpose for your project, it’s time to decide on a style and look. Consider online resources like Pinterest if you’re struggling to find inspiration here, or look at our large gallery to get an idea of the options we have available.

The Details

Getting a bit more specific, it’s time to find out a few details to complement your overall theme. Here are some areas to consider:

  • Are you getting a gas, wood or some other type of fireplace?

  • Are you replacing an existing fireplace or installing a new one? In either case, what are the measurements?

  • Which room will the fireplace be in?

  • What will be the primary function: Heat or ambiance?

  • What materials (floors, walls, ceilings, furniture) will surround your fireplace?

Purchase and Installation

Finally, it’s time to get with our pros and make your actual purchase. Our experts will spend time going over your needs and options, plus helping match you with the perfect installer for your new fireplace.


The final stage of the process? Sit back, relax, and enjoy your wonderful new fireplace. Make sure you have all your warranty and care information organized first, but once that’s taken care of, you can sit back and admire this new addition to your home.

For more on the stages of a fireplace installation, or to learn about any of our modern fireplace services, speak to the pros at Comfort Solutions today.