Non-Combustible Fireplace Materials: Clearance Considerations

non-combustible fireplace clearance

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on non-combustible fireplace materials and why they’re important. Referring to various materials that comprise your fireplace’s setup, non-combustible materials are those that allow you to maintain the heat of the fireplace without any damage or warping to various nearby items.

At Comfort Solutions Fireplace, we’re happy to discuss all the components of any of our modern fireplaces with our clients, including the non-combustible materials that are used to protect both you and your setup. In today’s part two of our series, we’ll go over the combustible “clearance” that is necessary for maintaining a buffer between the hot areas of your fireplace and the rest of your home, plus the option for zero-clearance fireplaces that you might have available.

Combustible Clearance Basics

When setting up a fireplace, there will be a set of approved clearances that come with your model. These clearances provide you with the minimum safe distance that combustible materials — that is, materials that can ignite and create a fire — must be from the fireplace. The specific clearance will vary depending on your model, but typically range from 18 to 36 inches all around the fireplace.

It’s important to remember that these clearances are not just minimums, but also provide the safest setup possible. Ignoring these clearances can result in damage to your fireplace, your home, and even create a fire hazard. So be sure to always follow the clearance guidelines provided by your fireplace’s manufacturer!

Zero-Clearance Fireplaces

In some cases, you may have the option of using a zero-clearance fireplace. A zero-clearance fireplace is designed to be installed extremely close to combustible materials and allows the heat of the fire to pass between each piece of wood, reducing some of the danger of traditional fireplaces.

Typically, these appliances will come with a protective heat shield that is placed behind it. The heat shield is designed to help protect any nearby walls or other surfaces from damage as a result of the heat.

Finishing Materials for Zero-Clearance Fireplaces

Another of the benefits of a zero-clearance fireplace is the way you can use nearly any common material for the finishing wall or design element you’re including. While many other types of fireplaces have very specific options for finishes — such as a brick or stone, or a particular color of paint — you will have the ability to use pretty much any material if you’re working with a zero-clearance fireplace.

In fact, one of our most popular designs is a steel fireplace that offers no clearance from the wall. The heat shield helps protect this material from heat, and it also makes the fireplace nearly invisible from a side view!

For more on non-combustible materials and clearance ranges for fireplaces, or to learn about any of our quality modern or contemporary fireplaces, speak to the pros at Comfort Solutions Fireplace today.

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